The Earth Talks, initiated by designer and activist Angie Rattay, is one of Austrian's biggest conference for a greener, more sustainable planet. For the last 12 years, activists, scientists and filmmakers present their work and insights to inspire change.
Full house at Halle E in Vienna's Museumsquartier.
Austria's first lady opened the Earth Talks 2019.
Organizer Angie Rattay and the head of the Austrian Green Party, Werner Kogler.
Filmmaker Richard Ladkani presented his critically acclaimed new documentary Sea of Shadows.
Poetry slammer and activist Yasmo did a slam about the connection between toxic masculinity and climate change.
Activist Joanna Sustento is a survivor of supertaifun Haiyan on the philippines and on a mission to get the world out of fossile fuels to slow down climate change.
The team of Earth Talks volunteers gets bigger every year.
Parts of the organizing team after a successful event.
See you next year at Earth Talks 2020.
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Veröffentlicht von: Manuel Gruber in Blog